Mastermind: Rules of engagement

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Mastermind: Rules of engagement by Mind Map: Mastermind: Rules of engagement

1. Agenda

2. Goal

2.1. Considering other perspectives

2.2. Accountability

2.3. Resources sharing

2.4. Share obstacles & find solutions

2.4.1. Entrepreneurial Competencies

3. Facilitator

3.1. Time keeper

4. Format

4.1. Sofas in circle

4.2. No screens, paper only

5. Equal time for each

5.1. Pitch

5.1.1. 3 min pres

5.1.2. 3 min Q&A

5.2. To share

5.2.1. 8-10'

5.3. To get feedback

5.3.1. As a group 8

5.4. Summary

5.4.1. Facilitator 1

5.4.2. Share notes via Team

6. Don’t Interrupt.

6.1. One person at a time

6.2. Unless speaker asks a question

7. Capture

7.1. Sharer to take note during the group session

7.2. Listeners write notes, feedback and questions on paper

7.2.1. share photo on Teams