Sheltered Instruction, Kindergarten, Community Unit Plan

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Sheltered Instruction, Kindergarten, Community Unit Plan by Mind Map: Sheltered Instruction, Kindergarten, Community Unit Plan

1. Lesson 1: What is Community?

1.1. Descrption

1.2. Objectives

1.2.1. Students will be able to connect the concept of community to their personal life experiences.

1.2.2. Students will be able to define the word community.

1.3. Standards

2. Lesson 2: Our Class on a Map I

2.1. Description

2.2. Standards

2.2.1. Social Science K.9 Identify, compare, and contrast pictures, maps, and globes.

2.3. Objectives

2.3.1. Students will be able to explain where our classroom is in terms of city, state, and country.

3. Lesson 3: Our Class on a Map II

3.1. Description

3.2. Standards

3.2.1. Social Science K.12 Use terms related to location, direction, and distance (such as over/under, here/there, left/right, above/below, forward/backward, between).

3.3. Objectives

3.3.1. Students will be able to explain what a map is and what it is used for.

4. Lesson 6: Our Classroom Community

4.1. Lesson Description

4.2. Standards

4.3. Objectives

4.3.1. Students will be able to talk about our classroom as a community.

4.3.2. Students recognize they form a community when they are brought together for a common purpose.

4.4. Read Aloud: Our Class is a Family

5. Lesson 5: Places in our Community

5.1. Lesson Description

5.2. Standards

5.2.1. Social Science K.10 Locate, identify and describe places of importance to self, family, school, and culture.

5.3. Objectives

5.3.1. Students will be able to discuss places they frequently visit in the community

6. Dramatic play area will be set up for exploration of maps and jobs.

7. Lesson 4: Community Helpers

7.1. Lesson Description

7.2. Objectives

7.3. Standards