Powerful Social Studies

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Powerful Social Studies by Mind Map: Powerful Social Studies

1. Challenging

1.1. The teacher challenges the students by having them work in groups and encourages group discussions while they are working

1.2. She gives the students the opportunity to work and talk amonst one another as they complete a task

2. Value-Based

2.1. The teacher gives all the children the opportunity to respond to the question and recognizes their different points of view in a respectful manner

2.2. The teacher asks questions that make the children think about and respond to the lesson

3. Active

3.1. The teacher uses reflective thinking and decision making events by asking the students questions from previous lessons taught

3.2. The teacher prepares centres and activities that make the students think about their learning and she also uses her physical body as well as the students bodies to teach them about the roatation of the sun and the winter solstice

4. integrative

4.1. The teacher links past learning with present lesson

4.2. the teacher links all the subject disciplines into her teaching.

5. Meaningful

5.1. The teacher teaches the students knowledge that can be used in real life

5.2. The centers are based on real holidays and celebrations of different cultures to help students not only to learn about the celebrations but also to learn to show respect for diversity of cultures