Dennis McDonald's Web Site

This is an attempt map the online networks and groups I currently visit or interact with on a regular basis.

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Dennis McDonald's Web Site by Mind Map: Dennis McDonald's Web Site

1. Social Media Today

2. SdB+PM Forum


4. Tool Features

4.1. Can Create Sub Groups

4.2. Can Create & Post Content

4.3. Can do Person to Person Messaging

4.4. Personal Use

4.5. Professional Use

4.6. Maintain Personal Profile

4.7. Not Openly Searchable

4.8. Account Deleted

4.9. Face to Face

5. IAEM Listserv

6. DC-Area Face to Face Networking

6.1. Washington Networking Group

6.2. Capital Cabal

6.3. Social Media Club DC

6.4. Execunet Evening Program

7. Facebook

7.1. Association of Associations

7.2. Convergence of social and business networking

7.3. CopyNight Washington DC

7.4. Other Facebook groups

8. Yahoo! Groups

8.1. Agile Project Management

8.2. scrum development

8.3. Linkedin Bloggers

8.4. Humanitarian ITC

8.5. Yahoo Group Moderators

9. Linkedin

9.1. Linkedin Answers

9.2. Linkedin Groups

10. Google Groups

10.1. DC CopyNight

10.2. Social Media Collective

10.3. Social Network Portability

10.4. ISCRAM-Sri Lanka

11. SlideShare

12. MyBlogLog

13. Twitter

14. Google Docs & Spreadsheets

15. Pownce

16. Flickr

17. MySpace

18. Ning

18.1. Grasshoppers

18.2. GovLoop

19. Tangler

19.1. Linkedin Bloggers Moderators

20. CollectiveX

20.1. Linkedin Forum

20.2. Champions

20.3. Alexandria Web Strategy Discussion Group

20.4. Arlington Real Estate Round Table

21. FriendFeed