What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like?
by Yan Zhong

1. The ways of thinking that is important to SS
1.1. Multiple Perspectives
1.2. Metacognitive Thinks
1.3. Globally Minded
2. Foundations of Inquiry
2.1. Authenticity
2.2. Academic Rigour
3. The Critical Thinking Consortium
3.1. Weigh Evidence
3.2. Indentify Bias
3.3. Determine Perspective
4. Benchmarks of Historical Thinking
4.1. Establish Historical Significance
4.2. Use Primary Source Evidence
4.3. Idenfity Continuity
5. Throughline Questioning
5.1. make connection between
5.1.1. themselves
5.1.2. subject matter
5.1.3. society in which they live