My Life

Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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My Life by Mind Map: My Life

1. Career

1.1. What do I want to be when I grow up?

1.2. Anesthesiologist

1.3. or a Doctor

2. Hobbies

2.1. What hobbies do I enjoy?

2.2. running

2.3. climbing

2.4. playing video games

3. Friends

3.1. My Friends


4. Business

4.1. What are my business goals?

4.2. To become an Anesthesiologist

4.3. Become a Millionaire

4.4. Get a Ferrari.

5. Family

5.1. My family members.

5.2. Sister= Jenny Acosta

5.3. Mom= Claudia Batres

5.4. Dad= Matt DiFebo

6. Health

6.1. What do I do to stay healthy?

6.2. run

6.3. eat right foods

6.4. Don't do drugs or alchol