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1. Main authors

1.1. Lyons

1.1.1. "Semantics is the study of meaning" (1977)

1.2. Hurford & Heasly

1.2.1. "Semantics is the study of meaning in language" (1983)

1.3. Saeed

1.3.1. "Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language"(1997)

1.4. Lobner

1.4.1. "Semantics is the part of linguistics that is concerned meaning" (2002)

1.5. Frawley

1.5.1. "Linguistic samntics is the study of literal, descontextualized, grammatical meaning" (1992)

1.6. Kreidler

1.6.1. "Semantics is the study of how languages organize and expresse meanings" (1998)

2. Sintax

2.1. Syntax is the part of the grammatics that is really important for analysis of the meanings, as we know, this is the study of how we select the order in which we present the information and join them in sentences. Its purpose is very precise and detailed, so that the Chomskyan linguistics is connected.

3. What is?

3.1. Semantics is concerned about how we communicated through language and its meaning, so there are many concepts related to its definition, but if we want to know the most precise explanation about it, we must look Kreidler's contribution:

3.1.1. Linguistic semantics is the study of how languages organize and express meanings

4. Theories

4.1. Formal semantics

4.1.1. Tries to describe the meaning of language using the descriptive apparatus of formal logic. The goal is to describe natural language in a formal, precise, unambiguous way. Formal semantics is concerned with how words are related to objects in the world and and how combinations of words preserve or not the truth-conditions of their components.

4.2. Cognitive semantics

4.2.1. Is mainly focused on the explantion of the semantics based on the perception and how our bodies are in the process of the semantics, here we don't take in count the referential notion of semantics, because we use it in the perspective of the culture, the psychology and the biology

5. Meaning

5.1. Are ideas, feelings, intentions or whatnot that a speaker decides to communicate it linguistically to a second person, where the hearer codifies what was emitted with the result being that this hearer somehow knows what the first person had in mind.