Gender Stereotypes

Gender Stereotypes

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Gender Stereotypes by Mind Map: Gender Stereotypes

1. Occupation

1.1. House wife

1.1.1. Mother

1.2. men do harder jobs

1.2.1. Discussions about what the term 'harder jobs' mean

1.3. Men are tradies

1.4. men are in charge of everything

1.4.1. give both boys and girls important jobs

1.5. Teachers are women because they are more nurturing

1.5.1. Providing support for male teachers

1.6. Male's can't go on maternity leave

1.7. You can't have that job because you might get pregnant

1.8. boys are expected to be able to provide everything for the household / girls are expected to run the household

2. Domestic Behaviour

2.1. Men are expected to pay on the first date

2.2. Males drink beer

2.3. Only female do housework

2.4. men kill spiders

2.5. mum gives the hugs

2.5.1. use books and movies that depict the emotional side of boys

3. handy man/ around the house

3.1. teach boys AND girls these skills

3.2. education on how to fix things

4. Bring in role models that challenge gender stereotypes

5. Personality Traits

5.1. Women are only useful cleaning or cooking

5.2. boys don't cry

5.2.1. Bringing to light 'toxic masculinity' and men should be allowed to express emotions without being judged

5.3. Men are strong women are weak

5.4. women over-react

5.4.1. teach boys to be more open with their emotions - girls only 'over-react' because boys don't react

5.5. women like to gossip

5.6. girls are emotional

5.7. interests- i.e. boys like cars

5.7.1. inviting gust speakers into the class to talk about their professions/interests that don't reflect typical stereotypes

5.8. girls are allowed to show emotions and are catered to, guys are left to the wayside

6. Physical Characteristics

6.1. Females Long hair, Males Short hair

6.2. males are muscly

6.2.1. teach students about other aspects of health

6.3. Boy are strong "can i have a strong boy to move the table"

6.3.1. Have girls also move the tables, mix it up, not only just boys.

6.4. Girls have long hair and boys have short hair

6.4.1. Maybe showing pictures of celebrities that break this stereotype