Beyond Fittness Forum

A Project map created to support a Landmark seminar, explore collaborative possibilities with WAOE Members, and investigate the possibilities of developing a fitness project to be utilized at Tempe High School.

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Beyond Fittness Forum by Mind Map: Beyond Fittness Forum

1. Goals

1.1. trim waistline

1.2. reduce weight

1.3. increase energy

2. Exercise

2.1. walking

2.2. aerobics/biking

2.3. weight lifting

3. My Geistesblitzes

3.1. GreenRoom

4. Project

4.1. Walking to Sausalito

4.1.1. weekly log

4.1.2. mapping travel

4.1.3. web page

4.1.4. spreadsheet

4.1.5. student challenge charity pledges interactive math forum clubs & teams record keeping

4.1.6. faculty challenge individual department

4.1.7. alumni challenge

5. Modify Diet

5.1. Food

5.1.1. remembering

5.1.2. shopping

5.2. Eating Schedule