Instructional strategies for online (virtual learning)

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Instructional strategies for online (virtual learning) by Mind Map: Instructional strategies for online   (virtual learning)





1.4. OLAT

1.5. SAKAI



2.1. VLE

2.1.1. The virtual learning environment is an educational space that is on the web.

2.1.2. It is made up of computer tools or a software system enabling the learning process.

2.1.3. • They constitute a new modality of learning through technology where everyone participates in the teaching-learning process.


3.1. Aguilar (2008) states that the impact of new ICTs, in the field of university education, is renewing the functions and activity of the teacher; causing changes in content and methodology for teach.

3.1.1. USE OF TIC´s Interactivity is a central element in technology-mediated learning. Teachers must use all technologies for learners to do better learning Take advantage of access to technology to make a production process The teacher and student must acquire digital skills


4.1. “Communicating, in education, is a process that tries to structure the meaning of the contents in relation to contexts, tasks and interactions” […] about the interactions these are “dialogues, speeches or events between two or more participants and objects, where the interface is technology ”(Peñalosa, 2013, p.42).

4.1.1. Learning in the new virtual environments allows students and individuals who want to acquire knowledge to do so in a flexible organizational way.

4.2. Education hand in hand with new technologies has taken giant steps, gaining in interaction, feedback and immediacy; progressing towards increasingly dynamic and collaborative teaching-learning models

4.3. The virtual learning environment has tools for cognitive learning in the study process and the student will decide how to study in order to advance their career or course.


5.1. Access is developed through web search engines.

5.2. Use the new web 2.0 technologies

5.3. They have a graphic and intuitive interface.

5.4. The information is structured in different modules.

5.5. The academic organization is presented in modules, under the structure of courses, calendars, bibliographic materials, etc.

5.6. There is a more agile communication between students and teachers.

6. Characteristics

6.1. Boneu (2007) presents four basic and essential characteristics of any learning platform:

6.1.1. Interactivity: Get the person who is using the platform be aware that you are the protagonist of your training.

6.1.2. Flexibility Set of methods for the implementation of e-learning

6.1.3. Scalability The ability of the e-learning platform to work with small or large number of users.

6.1.4. Standardization Ability to use the management of bibliographic resources and train all educational courses.

6.2. They enable effective, constant and participatory learning.

6.3. Collaborative and autonomous learning

6.3.1. Being the teacher the facilitator of knowledge.

6.3.2. The student learns at their own pace and is the protagonist of their learning

6.4. Platforms tools

6.4.1. Virtual platforms offer asynchronous and synchronous communication: Wikis, chats, video collaboration, forum, among others

7. Bibliografía:

7.1. Aguilar, R. (2008). La educación universitaria en el siglo XXI: un reto y compromiso con la calidad. Instituto de Pedagogía para la Educación a Distancia (IPED). II Congreso CREAD Andes y II Encuentro Virtual Educa. Recuperado el 26 de mayo de 2008, en

7.2. Boneu, J. (2007). Plataformas abiertas de e-learning para el soporte de contenidos educativos abiertos. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC). Universidad Oberta de Catalunya. España. 4 (I), 36- 47.

7.3. Bernard, J. (2001). Tecnología Educativa. Cómo desarrollar una práctica Docente competitiva. Bogotá: Serie McGRAW-HILL.

7.4. Weller, M. (2007). Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje: uso, elección y desarrollo de su VLE . Routledge.