by Dzakye M

1. Trying to break the conditioning of our clockwork- like mind...
1.1. randomness can help
2. inspiration
2.1. activity
2.1.1. combining elements creatively
2.1.2. imagination
3. different methods
3.1. focusing
3.1.1. favoured by many school systems?
3.2. brainstorming
3.2.1. until the best comes out
4. unrestricted random combination of known elements
4.1. playfulness
4.2. relaxing activity
4.3. feeling of freedom in spite of the paining for 'form'
5. bringing birth to new forms
5.1. or forms that are new to us
5.2. original work?
5.2.1. not necessarily; could be a variation of something know
5.2.2. no need to much 'newness' to make sth appear new; slight moving aside...
5.2.3. working on sth well-known requires creativity...