Research Question: How common is MRSA? Could I contact MRSA

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Research Question: How common is MRSA? Could I contact MRSA by Mind Map: Research Question: How common is MRSA? Could I contact MRSA

1. NIH Antimicrobial (Drug) Resistance

2. CDC General Information:

2.1. Claim

2.1.1. Evidence

2.2. Claim

2.2.1. Evidence

2.3. Claim

2.3.1. Evidence

3. ABSTRACT: Resistant Bacteria in Public Transit System

3.1. theres a lot of different strains of staph

3.1.1. "We found six different strains of ​Staphylococcus"

3.2. differnt strains delevlop resistance at varying levels

3.2.1. "varying levels of drug resistance"

3.3. floors and seats in public are most likely to transmit bacteria

3.3.1. ?"We found floors and cloth seats to be areas on buses and trains that showed particularly high levels of bacteria."

4. CDC National Summary Data

4.1. type claim in your own words

4.1.1. "direct quote from article"

4.2. Claim 2:

4.3. Claim 3: