1. Conclusion
1.1. Technology is not just the practical application that involves machines, instruments, they are also the knowledge which helps people resolve problems and create the benefits for humans.
2. What I thought before
2.1. Technology is
2.1.1. The amount of application of scientific knowledge to the practical purpose to human life. Camera Smartphones Personal computers
3. References
3.1. Charles Tuck. (2019, July 22). What is Technology?. Retrieved from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9CzjdrFgiY Isman, A.(2012). Technology and Technique: An education perspective http://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf Li-Hua, R.(2007). What is Technology? Journal of Technology Management in China, 2(3) TED Talks. (2010, February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. Retrieved from Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=GS1xL1qcBa4&feature=emb_logo
4. How things have changed
4.1. Not just I used to think
4.2. According to Isman research in 2012), "technology became more complex and indirect in its contribution to the goal or products".
4.2.1. Complex "Internal operation becomes a marvel in itself" (Isman, 2012) "Separate from their use and socio-cultural context." (Isman, 2012)
4.2.2. Indirect "People had less direct knowledge and ability to with unexpected technical problems" (Isman, 2012)
5. What I think now
5.1. New knowledge that I have learned from course material)
5.1.1. Technology is Basing on Isman research, 2012, technology is "practical application of knowledege". The author also mentioned that technology not only involves machines, instruments but also includes structured relations with other humans. All of these are the definition of technology. As mentioned by Chuck Tuck (2019) in his video about technology, technology can be defined as "knowledge or a set of tools that helps make things easier or resolve a problem". Chuck Tuck (2019) also stated that the first technology is the pen because it made easier for human to record and reference to previous thoughts and actions. According to Kevin Kelly (2010), technology can be seen as "everything invented after you were born". He also said that technology is all the new stuffs which are not roads or penicillin. These include but they do not have limitation to I agree with Li-Hua (2007) that defining "technology represents the combination of human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated since ancient times to make things that fulfil our needs and desires or that perform certain functions". Li-Hua (2007) also mentioned that technology has to create the benefits for human.