Internet Safety
by kevinn _huynh :)
1. E mail
1.1. If you get bullied tell an adult or your parents
1.2. Delete messages from people you don't know
1.3. If u get spams delete straight away
1.4. Don't upset people
1.5. Always check for virus'
2. Chat Rooms
2.1. Can tell general info
2.1.1. Don't tell personal info
2.2. Allowed to talk to strangers online
2.3. Capital letters mean SHOUTING
2.4. Can pretend to be someone else
2.5. Don't meet strangers in person
2.5.1. Tell parents
2.5.2. Too dangerous
3. Online Searching
3.1. Some sites aren't real
3.2. Have a friendly search engine
3.3. Go to age appropriate sites
3.4. Never click on advertisements
3.4.1. That show you to buy something
3.4.2. Ask adult/parents before you click
3.5. Never copy writing from someone elses site.
3.5.1. Copy into own words
4. Mobile Phone
4.1. Don't reply to people you don't know
4.2. If you find spam delete it
4.3. Reply to people you know
4.4. Delete messages that upset you
4.4.1. Tell an adult
4.5. Ask parents/adult for advice
4.6. Don't send pics of you to people you dont know
4.6.1. Street name in it
4.6.2. School Uniform
4.7. Online Mettings
4.7.1. Ask parents before you go
5. Instant Messaging
5.1. Tell an adult if you're being bullied
5.2. Always know who you are talking to
5.3. If a message upsets you
5.3.1. Tell an adult
5.3.2. Tell a guardian
5.3.3. Tell a parent
5.3.4. Tell teacher
5.4. Don't tell personal info
5.4.1. To anyone
6. Online Forum
6.1. Don't use real name
6.1.1. Use a nickname
6.2. Think about the info you're writing
6.2.1. About yourself
6.3. What some one says might not be true
6.4. Look for the number in address book
6.4.1. So you won't write to the wrong person
6.5. ALWAYS be polite
6.5.1. Don't say rude things
6.6. Sometimes don't belive eveything
6.6.1. That people say
6.6.2. That people post on bulletin-boards