
A collaborative history of linguistics

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Linguistics by Mind Map: Linguistics

1. branches of study

1.1. phonetics

1.2. evolutionary linguistics

1.3. historical linguistics

1.4. sociolinguistics

1.5. psycholinguistics

1.6. neurolinguistics

1.7. language acquisition

1.8. discourse analysis

1.9. pragmatics

1.10. applied linguistics

1.11. biolinguistics

1.12. clinical linguistics

1.13. computational linguistics

1.14. developmental linguistics

1.15. language geography

1.16. linguistic typology

2. Historical Linguists

2.1. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913, Swiss)

2.2. Jacob Grimm (1785-1863, German)

2.2.1. Grimm's law

2.3. Karl Verner (1846-1896, Danish)

2.4. Charles Sander Pierce (1839-1914, American)

3. topical division

3.1. semantics

3.2. grammar

3.2.1. morphology

3.2.2. syntax

3.2.3. phonology phonetics

4. related area of study

4.1. semiotics

4.2. literary theorists

4.3. psychology

4.4. speech-language pathology

4.5. informatics

4.6. computer science

4.7. philosophy

4.8. biology

4.9. human anatomy

4.10. neuroscience

4.11. sociology

4.12. anthropology

4.13. acoustics