Marketing Strategy Cheat Sheet

This mind map can help you as a cheat sheet for your entire marketing strategy in your company or brand awareness plans which can bring you the detailed strategy for the particular marketing branch and help you to advise on it faster with more strength.

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Marketing Strategy Cheat Sheet by Mind Map: Marketing Strategy Cheat Sheet

1. Goals

1.1. KPI

1.1.1. 1st Year

1.1.2. 2nd Year

1.1.3. 5th Year

1.2. Financial Projection

1.2.1. Revenue

1.2.2. Overhead

1.3. Online Mentions

1.3.1. Magazines

1.3.2. Websites

1.3.3. Social medias

2. Team Building

2.1. Members

2.1.1. CEO

2.1.2. Marketing

2.1.3. Communication

2.1.4. Developers

2.2. Job Description

2.2.1. A Offline

2.2.2. B Content Social Media Emails

2.2.3. C Design Website

2.2.4. D SEO Ads

3. Budget

3.1. Staff

3.2. Overtime

3.3. Campaigns

3.4. Content

4. Social Media

4.1. Facebook

4.2. Twitter

4.3. Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram

4.4. Youtube, Vimeo

4.5. LinkedIn

5. Content Management

5.1. Blog

5.2. Offline

5.2.1. Brochures

5.2.2. Flyers

5.2.3. Branded Book

5.3. Images, Graphics, Videos

6. Website

6.1. Complete Redesign

6.2. New Online Store

6.3. Newsroom

7. SEO

7.1. Conduct Survey of Target Audience

7.2. Competitor Analysis

8. Ads

8.1. Complete Redesign

8.2. Campaigns

8.2.1. Facebook

8.2.2. Google

8.2.3. New Partners & Integrations

9. Email Marketing

9.1. Complete Redesign