50+ FREE Learning Websites for Elementary School Students

Great learning websites for students in elementary school (for parents and teachers too!).

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50+ FREE Learning Websites for Elementary School Students by Mind Map: 50+ FREE Learning Websites for Elementary School Students

1. Power My Learning

2. Oxford Owl

3. PBS Kids

4. Picture That Dictionary

5. Planet Sherston

6. Reading Bear

7. Speakaboos

8. Scholastic

8.1. Family playground

8.2. Max's math adventures

9. Storyline Online

10. Tvo Kids

11. Zoo Whiz

12. Wonderopolis

13. Legend

13.1. Free (no icon)

13.2. Fee-based

14. Also see EdTech Tools & Classroom Resources Mind Map

15. Videos

15.1. Education YouTube

15.2. Khan Academy

15.3. TeacherTube

15.4. TED-Ed

15.5. WatchKnowLearn

16. ReadWriteThink

17. Toon University

18. Time for Kids

19. Multiplication Tool

20. Primary Resources

21. Print Activities

22. Quiz-Tree

23. Soft Schools

24. Math Open Reference

25. Math Playground

26. Mr. Nussbaum

27. PapaJan

28. Sheppard Software

29. Math Wire

30. National Geographic for Kids

31. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

32. Tutpup

33. Math Goodies

34. Programming websites

34.1. Alice

34.2. Arduino

34.3. HacketyHack

34.4. Processing

34.5. Scratch

35. OwlKids

36. ICT Magic

37. eLearning for Kids

38. Alphabet100

39. All Kids Network

40. Britannica

41. HomeSchoolMath

42. ICT Games

43. Keybr

44. Math is Fun

45. KidsCrafty

46. BigIQKids

47. BBC

47.1. Bitesize

47.2. SkillWise

48. BrainPOPjr

49. Fuel the Brain

50. Handwriting Worksheets

51. DadsWorksheets

52. Dot to Dot Puzzles

53. Connect the Dots

54. Free Training Tutorial

55. ABC Teach

56. Illuminations

57. MangaHigh

58. Kids Learning Station

59. DIY

60. Cool Math for Kids

61. AAA Math

62. ABCMouse

63. ABC Fast Phonics

64. IXL

65. Kids Numbers

66. Math Advantage

67. Brainology

68. Childtopia

69. Coloring Castle

70. FunBrain

71. Google in Education

72. Gooru