What are the effects of climate change?

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What are the effects of climate change? by Mind Map: What are the effects of climate change?

1. Game Team

1.1. Drought

1.2. Global Warming

1.3. Floods

1.4. Melting of glaciers

1.5. Water Pollution

1.6. climate change

2. Technology Team

2.1. Global warming

2.2. Melting Polar Glaciers

3. Literature Team

3.1. Environmental pollition

3.2. Lack of food

3.3. The layer

3.4. extreme changes in the weather

4. Art / Anime Team

4.1. Recycle

4.2. Volcanic Eruptions

4.3. Reuse the plastic we use

4.4. Loss of biodiversity

4.5. The sixth continent

4.5.1. Air Pollution

4.5.2. Make Biodegradable Plastics