1. Challenge: Its challenges are similar to that of the mouse. It is very difficult to use a keyboard with younger users who don't have letter recognition skills or keyboarding skills that facilitate typing reports, doing presentations, or performing researching tasks using the Internet.
2. Output Device: An I Pad or tablet computer allows the user wireless Internet access and has access to thousands of learning applications and games.
2.1. Goal 1
2.2. Goal 2
3. A keyboard is a device that allows the user to input commands while using the Internet or any software application. It allows the user to log into the computer using a username and password.
4. Input Device: Mouse
4.1. High Priority
4.2. Medium Priority
4.3. Low Priority
5. Benefit: Students learn keyboarding skills which allow them to type information into a document. Students can learn to log in to the network using a username and a password, use email, type letters, create brochures, create a Power Point or Prezi, and search for specific information using a search engine on the Internet.
6. Input Device: Keyboard
6.1. Allows students to word process and tell the computer what they want it to do.
7. Students can navigate software applications and the Internet using a mouse.
8. Benefit: The mouse allows the user to navigate software applications and the Internet. It allows the user to give the computer simple commands with one step, by clicking the mouse.
9. Challenge: With a majority of younger students eye/hand coordination is not yet developed. When I try to use the mouse with my prek students who are 3 & 4 years old and have never used a mouse before it is a very challenging task and can be very frustrating.
10. Benefit: There are hundreds of websites that grant access to interactive whiteboard lesson plans. The teacher can maintain or change the lessons to fit the needs of her students. Students are more engaged in learning. Students can work collaboratively to solve problems. Users are able to use their hand in place of the mouse and physically move projected objects. Drill and practice games become significantly more engaging. The interactive white board is simply a more fun way to learn.
11. Benefits: The learners can work collaboratively to solve problems, the white board enables virtual field trips, interactive hands-on learning that allows students to manipulate objects on the board that would normally be manipulated with a mouse.
12. Challenges: A tablet device that is suitable or desirable for a school environment is still fairly expensive and the cost for the educational applications are also an expensive consideration. In addition to that the lack of I.T. support from our school district would be an issue for teachers and users.
13. Output Device: Interactive White Boards Interactive white boards allow for more engaged, hands on learning. Users can physically manipulate objects and concepts so they are physically involved in learning the concepts.
14. Challenges: A tablet device that is suitable or desirable for a school environment is still fairly expensive and the cost for the educational applications are also an expensive consideration. In addition to that the lack of I.T. support from our school district would be an issue for teachers and users.
15. Benefit: There are hundreds of websites that grant access to interactive whiteboard lesson plans. The teacher can maintain or change the lessons to fit the needs of her students. Students are more engaged in learning. Students can work collaboratively to solve problems. Users are able to use their hand in place of the mouse and physically move projected objects. Drill and practice games become significantly more engaging. The interactive white board is simply a more fun way to learn.
16. Benefit: Accessibility and portability are huge benefits to any tablet device. The devices are space savers and make learning with technology fun and easily implemented and integrated.
16.1. Session Rule 1
16.2. Session Rule 2
17. Challenges: It's sometimes difficult with larger classes to allow for everyone to have a chance to use the interactive whiteboard. I personally rather use it as a workstation within the classroom with adult supervision. Once the students are trained to use it they can be placed in small groups and rotated though a station where there is a related lesson that allows for practice or review using the interactive white board. It is also an excellent tool for morning meeting or taking attendance every morning.