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Brave Summary by Mind Map: Brave Summary

1. 1-Sentence-Summary:

1.1. Brave will help you have the relationships, career, and everything else in life that you’ve always wanted but have been afraid to go for by teaching you how to become more courageous.

2. Favorite quote from the author:

2.1. "Pursuing a bigger purpose in your life will demand fearing regret more than failure. Courage is the price that life exacts for living a life that inspires you." - Margie Warrell

3. 3 lessons:

3.1. If you want to improve yourself and your life, do what you’re afraid of.

3.1.1. Don’t resist the things that scare you because they are important exercises for your courage muscles.

3.1.2. You don’t have to hop out of a plane or dive with sharks, though Sometimes even the smallest actions of bravery can change your life dramatically.

3.1.3. If you’re wanting to get better at cooking and also improve your social skills, you might invite some friends over for dinner, as a start. If you’re too afraid to cook then eat out. Or if the fear of making new friends is too much, try cooking for your closest friends.

3.1.4. Notice when fear is paralyzing your ability to act. If you write it down this becomes even easier so you can improve little by little.

3.1.5. You’ll only grow the courage to do the big scary things if you start with the small ones first.

3.2. Make a decision and confidently stand by it when you’re not sure what to do and you’ll soon find the best way forward.

3.2.1. Making decisions is a never-ending struggle.

3.2.2. We can’t accurately predict what is going to happen to us on any route we’re considering. And changes don’t usually happen a little at a time. It’s often a lot at once and then nothing for a while. Some jobs today didn’t even exist ten years ago, for example!

3.2.3. Weigh your options and choose the best option with the information you have at the moment. An example: Usually, the best decision is having the courage to make any decision and trust that you’ll know what’s best as you move forward.

3.3. Smart and courageous people ask for help, even though they’re scared to.

3.3.1. When you need support it’s vital that you open up to others to request it. It is hard to believe in this in the beginning, though. But, getting help is not a sign of weakness.

3.3.2. We must see asking for help as evidence of people’s strength, instead of looking at it as a flaw. The people who have real courage and bravery are the ones that get help when they need it, and we as a society need to have this outlook. The vulnerability that it takes to admit you can’t do it all on your own is what truly strong people do. Each of us is only human. Don't deny that we need others to thrive.

4. Who would I recommend the Brave summary to?

4.1. The 62-year-old who has just been diagnosed with cancer and wants to be strong, the 29-year-old who thinks they might be due for a career change but is afraid of change, and anyone who could use a little encouragement to get outside of their comfort zone to improve their lives and the world.