Consequences of the First World War

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Consequences of the First World War by Mind Map: Consequences of the First World War

1. Economic Consequences

1.1. Europe's economy was left ravaged and devastated after the war.

1.1.1. The huge reparations harmed recovery and were also more negative in contributing to political instability, especially in Germany, leading to bankruptcy. As Germany was unable to pay for its reparations and declared so in 1922, this led to the Ruhr Crisis in where the occupation of German territory by French and Belgian troops occurred.

1.1.2. In France, much of its northern territory was destroyed. It also had a huge debt to pay back to the USA and Britain leading to slow economic recovery.

1.1.3. Britain was in huge debt and due to the conflicting nature of situations, it was unable to economically recover till the late 1920s.

1.1.4. In the United States, its economy actually expanded due to the First World War from millions joining the workforce and total war effort.

1.1.5. Russia went into civil war, and war communism was established in Bolshevik-controlled areas where the usage of currency was abolished and the government owned all property. This resulted in economic disparities causing millions to die. This led to the creation of the New Economic Policty (1921), whereas better economic situations were provided.

2. Citations/Credits: - Mr. Seidel - Chapter 1: First World War 1914 - 1918

3. Mortality Consequences

3.1. About 10 million people died and roughly 20 million were wounded, the majority of these injuries suffered by males.

3.2. Civilian deaths were also very significant, with Russia and Austria-Hungary suffering the bear brunt of casualties.

4. Territorial Consequences

4.1. Austro-Hungarian Empire - Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia formed from former territories.

4.2. Russia lost the most amount of land and made up the majority of loss territories among other countries. - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, parts of Poland formed.

4.3. Instability was caused from the formation of new states and minorities existing within territories that did not align with their ethnicity/group.

5. Political Consequences

5.1. Treaty of Trianon (1920)

5.1.1. 1. Over two-thirds of Hungary's territory was lost, including about 60% of its pre-war population. 2. Huge reparations (200 gold crowns) 3. Limitations on manpower and no air force, tanks, and submarines allowed.

5.2. Treaty of St. Germain (1919)

5.2.1. 1. Austria lost significant land. 2. The reparations were not able to be set up at Austria went bankrupt. 3. Limitations on the army and no air force or navy allowed.

5.3. Treaty of Neuilly (1919)

5.3.1. 1. Bulgaria lost significant land, resulting in losing access to the Mediterranean Sea. 2. Reparations (100 million Euros) 3. Limitations on the army and navy. No air force allowed.

5.4. Treaty of Versailles (1919), reshaped the power balance in Europe.

5.4.1. 1. Germany had to surrender its African colonies and other territories it controlled. 2. War Guilt Clause 3. Hefty Reparations 4. Limitations on number of armed forces to be possesed at a given time.

5.5. Treaty of Sevres (1920)

5.5.1. 1. Turkey lost significant land and its ME territories became mandates under British and French. 2. Limitations on army. No air force, tanks, or submarines allowed.

5.6. Government Change

5.6.1. Russia - Autocratic system replaced with the Provisional Government (1917) - Bolsheviks established the Soviet Union (1918) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - Ended the war between Russia and the Central Powers.

5.6.2. Germany - Turned into a republic at the end of 1918. - Many revolts were made to overthrow the government.

5.6.3. Italy - Divided among industrialists, workers, landowners and peasants, causing violence. - Benito Mussolini became prime minister in 1922, supporting the industrialists in a dictatorship that lasted until 1943.

5.6.4. - Austria became a single-part conservative state (1933). - Hungary became a constitutional monarchy. - Romania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia had kings who increased their power. - Poland established a conservative military dictatorship.

6. Social Consequences

6.1. The mobility and participation of women in the workforce increased in both the United States and Great Britain.

6.1.1. Women earned the right to vote in the United States in 1920 from the passing of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitutions.

6.1.2. Suffragettes (women) earned the right to vote in Great Britain in 1918.

6.2. 1. The enfranchisement of women was given in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Canada in 1918. 2. Germany in 1919.