Inquiry Based Learning

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand."

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Inquiry Based Learning by Mind Map: Inquiry Based Learning

1. Gathering Data and Information

1.1. Seeing

1.2. Hearing

1.3. Touching

1.4. Tasting

1.5. Smelling

2. Convert data & Information to Useful Knowledge


3.1. Context

3.2. Framework

3.3. Focus

3.4. Different Levels

4. Involvement

4.1. Skills and Attitudes

4.1.1. Resolutions to questions and issues construct new knowledge Understanding

5. Fund of Knowledge CONTENT

5.1. Experts generate and add UNKNOWN knowledge;

5.1.1. see patterns/meanings

5.1.2. have in-depth knowledge

5.1.3. structured knowledge accessable transferable applicable

5.1.4. little effort needed to learn new information

5.2. Knowledge that is KNOWN is Transmitted via:

5.2.1. Home

5.2.2. School Education provides many interrelated world views.

5.2.3. Society

6. "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand."

7. Content, a means to an end

7.1. Habitats of Mind a.k.a. "ground rules" of discipline

7.2. Concepts

7.3. Skills