
Physical Calculator

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Calculator by Mind Map: Calculator

1. Cases for operations

1.1. when result = 0

1.2. result > 0

1.3. result < 0

1.4. Empty string +-/* int/float

1.5. Borders

1.5.1. Max positive result

1.5.2. Max positive result -1

1.5.3. Max positive result + 1

1.5.4. Max negative result

1.5.5. Max negative result -1

1.5.6. Max negative result + 1

2. Addition

2.1. int + int

2.1.1. Positive + Positive

2.1.2. negative + negative

2.1.3. positive + negative

2.2. int+ float

2.2.1. Positive + Positive

2.2.2. negative + negative

2.2.3. positive + negative

2.3. float + float

2.3.1. Positive + Positive

2.3.2. negative + negative

2.3.3. positive + negative

3. Square

3.1. Int

3.1.1. positive

3.1.2. negative

3.2. float

3.2.1. positive

3.2.2. negative

3.3. null

3.4. empty string

4. Square root

4.1. int

4.1.1. positive

4.1.2. negative

4.2. float

4.2.1. positive

4.2.2. negative

4.3. null

4.4. empty string

5. M+/M-

5.1. Int

5.1.1. Positive

5.1.2. negative

5.2. null

5.3. Float

5.3.1. Positive

5.3.2. Negative

5.4. Error handling when result bigger/lower than maximum/minimum possible value

6. Сonstituent components

6.1. Screen

6.1.1. Resolution

6.1.2. Height/Width

6.1.3. Safety

6.1.4. Use during different weather condition

6.1.5. Material

6.1.6. Quality

6.1.7. How much characters can represent?

6.2. Buttons

6.2.1. Meterial

6.2.2. Size

6.2.3. Location

6.2.4. Grouping

6.2.5. Color

6.2.6. Shape

6.2.7. Usability

6.2.8. Safety

6.2.9. Marked?

6.2.10. Pressure

6.3. Outer part

6.3.1. Material

6.3.2. Size

6.3.3. Weight

6.3.4. Safety

6.3.5. Usabilty

6.3.6. Color

6.3.7. Quality

6.4. Battery

6.4.1. Type

6.4.2. Safety

6.4.3. Charge time

6.4.4. Need a charge? How long it takes to charge?

6.4.5. How long can work?

6.4.6. Will automatically switch off if user inactive?

7. Clear

7.1. Does it delete character by character?

8. Subtraction

8.1. Integer - Integer

8.1.1. Positive - Positive

8.1.2. negative - negative

8.1.3. positive - negative

8.1.4. negative - positive

8.2. Integer - float

8.2.1. Positive - Positive

8.2.2. negative - negative

8.2.3. positive - negative

8.2.4. negative - positive

8.3. float - int

8.3.1. Positive - Positive

8.3.2. negative - negative

8.3.3. positive - negative

8.3.4. negative - positive

9. Division

9.1. int / int

9.1.1. Positive / Positive

9.1.2. negative / negative

9.1.3. positive /negative

9.2. int / float

9.2.1. Positive / Positive

9.2.2. negative / negative

9.2.3. positive /negative

9.3. int / 0

9.3.1. Positive / 0

9.3.2. negative / 0

9.4. float / 0

9.4.1. Positive / 0

9.4.2. negative / 0

9.5. 0 / int

9.5.1. 0 /positive

9.5.2. 0 / negative

9.6. 0 / float

9.6.1. 0 /positive

9.6.2. 0 / negative

10. Multiplying

10.1. int * int

10.1.1. Positive * Positive

10.1.2. negative * negative

10.1.3. positive * negative

10.2. Int * float

10.2.1. negative * negative

10.2.2. Positive * Positive

10.2.3. positive * negative

10.3. Int * 0

10.3.1. positive * 0

10.3.2. negative * 0

10.4. Float * 0

10.4.1. negative * 0

10.4.2. positive * 0

11. Data types

11.1. Float

11.1.1. Positive lowest Highest Highest + 1 highest - 1 lowest +1 Lowest - 1

11.1.2. Negative lowest Highest Highest + 1 highest - 1 lowest +1 Lowest - 1

11.1.3. With 2 dots?

11.2. Integer

11.2.1. Positive lowest Highest Highest + 1 highest - 1 lowest +1 Lowest - 1

11.2.2. Negative lowest Highest Highest + 1 highest - 1 lowest +1 Lowest - 1

11.3. Null

12. Clear all

12.1. Does it clear all data for all operations?

13. Memory

13.1. Does it work for all operations?

13.2. Does it work after calculator was switched off and switched on?

13.2.1. Automatically

13.2.2. By user