Common Arguments about Immigration in US
by Jolie Ma
1. PRO Immigration
2. Immigrants are Beneficial for Economy
3. Immigrations Deserve Human Rights
4. Immigrants are Integral to American Culture
5. Increased workforce
6. Highly skilled immigrants help everyone
7. Cheaper labor is better for businesses
8. Immigrant cultures enrich America's culture
9. Everyone, except Native Americans, are descended from outside the US.
10. Enough resources
11. AGAINST Immigration
12. Immigrants Hurt US Economy
13. Immigrants Hurt American Culture
14. Immigrants Threaten Our Safety
15. Immigrants lower wages
16. Immigrants cost govt money
17. Immigrants bring poverty
18. Not enough resources
19. Many can't speak English
20. Too many immigrants will make it hard for others to assimilate
21. Immigrants are criminals
22. Immigrants are terrorists
23. Immigrants Are Good!
24. Less crime than US citizens
25. US citizens more often than Hispanics smuggle drugs at entries of port
26. Not Terrorists
27. Little to no wage loss AND more workers
28. Pay more in taxes than use resources, so positive financial benefit. So enough resources
29. New ideas and food
30. How News Media Affect Immigrants (Fox News)
31. Blame Hispanics for drugs
32. Humiliate instead of listening to migrant caravan supporters
33. Build hatred by claiming that our govt loves "foreigners" more than natives.
34. Sanctuary cities have about same amount of crime.
35. Racism in Asian communities
36. News outlets portray Hispanics and blacks as criminals
37. They feel a need to be accepted by whites.
38. viral images of anti-Asian crimes committed by POCs
39. Blame the Chinese for COVID-19