Nursing leadership and management

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Nursing leadership and management by Mind Map: Nursing leadership and management

1. Performance appraisal

1.1. Identifying areas for further training

1.2. Improving performance and profitability

1.3. Increased job satisfaction and motivation

1.4. Better morale and teamwork

2. Human Resources

2.1. Supervising

2.2. Staff and schedule

2.3. Performance appraised

2.4. Staff motivation

3. Quality Management

3.1. Satisfaction

3.2. Acceptability

3.3. Applicability

3.4. Safety

4. Time Management

4.1. Organizing

4.2. Declinational Work

4.3. Planning

4.4. Following a Schedule

5. Stress Management

5.1. Lifestyle management

5.2. Become your own expert

5.3. Relaxation

5.4. Physical Exercise

5.5. Counsiling

6. Team building

6.1. Get together

6.2. Inter personal relationship

6.3. Increase quality of care

6.4. Conflict solving

7. Leadership

7.1. commit to excellence

7.2. measure the important things

7.3. build a culture around service

7.4. create and develop leaders

7.5. focus on employee satisfaction

8. Communication

8.1. Assert preness

8.2. Empathetic

9. Ethics

9.1. Incidence

9.2. Continuous nurses education

9.3. Awareness Sessions

9.4. Decision making

10. Critical Thinking

10.1. Risk Factors

10.2. Integrity

10.3. Responsibility & Accountability

10.4. Thinking Independently

10.5. Discipline

10.6. Confidence

10.7. Fairness