Matter in our surroundings

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Matter in our surroundings by Mind Map: Matter in our surroundings

1. Physical nature of matter

1.1. Matter is made up of particles

1.2. Change of vapour into liquid- condensation

2. Characteristics of particles of matter

2.1. particles of matter have space between them

2.2. Particles of matter are continuously moving

2.3. Particles of matter attract each other

3. Classification of matter

3.1. States of matter

3.1.1. The solid state

3.1.2. The liquid state

3.1.3. The gaseous state

4. Distinction of between solid liquid and gas

4.1. Solid

4.1.1. Solids are rigid and incompressible

4.1.2. Some solids can change their shape under force but regain the same when the applied force is removed

4.1.3. They have high density usually in range of 1 to 10 gram per cubic centimetre

4.1.4. They show only slight expansion

4.1.5. Solids have their melting and boiling points

4.1.6. Solid do not show the property of diffusion

4.1.7. Solids have negligible kinetic energy of particles

4.1.8. Solids do not flow

4.2. Liquid

4.2.1. Liquids have no definite shapes

4.2.2. Liquids have a definite volume

4.2.3. They have low densities

4.2.4. They have slight compressibility

4.2.5. They show only slight expansion

4.2.6. Liquids generally flow easily

4.2.7. Liquids have their melting point the below room temperature

4.2.8. In liquid and intermolecular force are strong

4.2.9. Kinetic energy of particles in liquid is more than that of solid

4.3. Gases

4.3.1. Gases have no fixed volume and shape

4.3.2. They have low density

4.3.3. They have high compressibility

4.3.4. Gases flow freely

4.3.5. Gases have their melting and boiling point both below the room temperature

4.3.6. Gases diffuse rapidly

4.3.7. Kinetic energy of particle in gases is very high

5. Change of States

5.1. Effects of temperature

5.1.1. Change of liquid into solid- freezing

5.1.2. Change of solid into liquid- melting

5.1.3. Change of liquid into vapour- boiling

5.1.4. Sublimation and deposition

5.2. Effects of change of pressure

5.3. Evaporation and boiling

5.4. Evaporation

5.4.1. Factors affecting the rate of evaporation

5.4.2. How small are the particles of matter

5.5. Evaporation and boiling

5.6. What is dry ice?

6. Units of temperature

7. Solids have district boundaries,fixed shape and fixed volume