Sustainable operations Model

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Sustainable operations Model by Mind Map: Sustainable operations Model

1. Supply chain management

1.1. Agile supply chain

1.2. Green supply chain

1.3. Lean synchronization

2. Project Management

2.1. Resource management

2.1.1. Waste Management Refuse Reuse Reduce Recycle

2.2. Stakeholder Engagement

2.3. Corporate policies

2.3.1. Vision

2.3.2. Mission

3. Operation Improvement

3.1. Sandcone Model

3.1.1. Cost

3.1.2. Quality

3.1.3. Speed

3.1.4. Dependability

3.1.5. Flexibility

3.2. Breakthrough Improvement

3.3. Derming Improvement cycle

3.3.1. Plan

3.3.2. Do

3.3.3. Check

3.3.4. Act

4. Big data analytics

4.1. Descriptive

4.2. Diagnostic

4.3. Prescriptive

4.4. Predictive

5. Inventory Management

5.1. ABC Analysis

5.2. EOQ Model

5.3. Green Inventory

6. Capacity Management

6.1. Demand Management

6.2. Level Capacity

6.3. Chase Demand

7. Sustainability

7.1. TBL

7.1.1. People Culture Corporate values

7.1.2. Planet

7.1.3. Profit Corporate governance Doughnut economy

7.2. CSR

7.2.1. Environmental

7.2.2. Ethical

7.2.3. Economical

7.3. Leadership

7.3.1. Sustainable leadership

7.3.2. Regenerative leadership

7.4. Competitive advantage

7.4.1. Scarce

7.4.2. Difficult to imitate

7.4.3. Difficult to substitute

7.4.4. Not very mobile

8. HRM

8.1. Power and politics

8.1.1. Internal politics

8.1.2. Cebtralized power

8.2. HR development

8.3. Management and Leadership

8.3.1. Theory X

8.3.2. Theory y