physical properties of metals

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physical properties of metals by Mind Map: physical properties of metals

1. Sodium, potassium and lithium are soft (exception)

2. Iron get rusted, Silver become gray (Oxidized) but does not catch rust, same with gold

3. example - gold, iron, aluminium, copper, silver, and lead

4. Malleable

4.1. Can be made into thin sheets.

4.2. Eg: aluminum foil

4.3. Gold flakes used in electronics

5. Sonorous

5.1. Produces a (loud) ringing sound when hit

5.2. Eg: Bells in Indian God Temples, old school bells

5.3. Eg. Drums cymbal

6. hard & strong

6.1. Metals are hard, such as silver

6.2. Difficult to cut

6.3. Iron is used in making tools, building and making

6.4. potassium is very soft, and can be cut with a knife

6.5. Sodium, potassium, lithium are the metals which are so soft

6.6. Good Conductors of Heat and Electricity

6.6.1. Eg: Copper is used to make electrical wires, also iron is used to make cooking utensils because it conducts heat

6.6.2. Eg. Electric Shocks when touched, Utensils get hot when heated

7. Lusturous: Shiny, stainless steel has a nice shine to it

7.1. shiny

7.2. Eg. gold is used in making of ornaments

7.3. silver is used in making of mirrors

7.4. Vehicles

8. Solids at Room Temp.

8.1. Copper and iron are solids at room temp.

8.2. lead is solid at room temperature.

8.3. Exception: mercury is liquid at room temperature

8.4. Mercury is an exception when it comes to being solid as it is liquid at room temperature.

9. Highly dense

9.1. Gold has a density of 19300 kg/m^3

10. Reactive

11. Physical state

11.1. Most metals are solids at room temperature with the exception of gallium and mercury. These are liquids at room temperrature.

11.2. Eg: mercury is used in thermometers.

11.3. potassium is very soft, and can be cut with a knife

12. Metals can be hammered into thin sheets.

12.1. example - gold, iron, aluminium, copper, silver, and lead

13. high melting point

13.1. tungsten, iron

13.2. most metals have a high melting point which means that they cannot melted easily from solid state to liquid state

13.3. exceptions- graphite, mercury