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File by Mind Map: File

1. RTO

1.1. Quote Accepted

1.2. Memo Received

1.2.1. Recheck Price

1.3. Private Sale

1.4. ID's Received

1.5. £50 Paid

2. CCL by

2.1. Email

2.2. POST

2.3. To Collect

3. Notes2

3.1. CASH

3.2. Conventional

3.3. ARB

3.4. GHB

3.5. Other


4.1. FE: .

4.2. Referror: £ .

4.3. Q:__________________

4.4. F/N:________________

5. Type

5.1. Purchase

5.2. Sale

5.3. Trnasfer

5.4. Remortgage

5.5. Other

5.5.1. Commercial

5.5.2. Lease

5.5.3. Repayment

6. Notes

6.1. RTB

6.2. Freehold

6.3. Leasehold

6.4. New Build

6.4.1. Reservation Form

6.5. Auction

7. Related

7.1. Sale

7.2. Purchase

7.3. Remortgage

7.4. Transfer

8. Notes3:


8.2. stamp duty deadline: