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Chapter 7: Air by Mind Map: Chapter 7: Air

1. Combustion

1.1. Conditions of combustion

1.1.1. Oxygen

1.1.2. Heat

1.1.3. Fuel

1.2. Fire extinguisher

1.2.1. Foam

1.2.2. Water

1.2.3. Dry powder

1.2.4. Carbon dioxide

1.2.5. Dry sand

2. Air pollution

2.1. Definition

2.2. Air pollutants and causes

2.3. Effects of air pollution

2.4. Ways to prevent and control air pollution

3. Composition of air

3.1. Gas

3.1.1. Nitrogen

3.1.2. Oxygen

3.1.3. Carbon dioxide

3.1.4. Inert Gas

3.2. Other components

3.2.1. Water vapour

3.2.2. Dust

3.2.3. Microorganisms

4. Carbon cycle and oxygen cycle

4.1. Carbon cycle maintains the content of carbon dioxide in the air

4.2. Oxygen cycle maintains the content of oxygen in the air.