Online research: Definition, Methods, Types and Execution

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Online research: Definition, Methods, Types and Execution by Mind Map: Online research: Definition, Methods, Types and Execution

1. Understand brand loyalty

2. These are 4 main types of online research:

2.1. Things to keep in mind for online survey research

2.1.1. Give open-ended questions a miss

2.1.2. Show urgency but also be tolerant

2.1.3. Precise surveys produce better results

2.2. Customer satisfaction research

2.3. New product research

2.4. Employee engagement and Employee satisfaction research

3. Online Research Advantages

3.1. Access to data across the globe

3.2. Minimum investment of time and resources

3.3. Capable tool for collecting information

3.4. Central pool of facts and figures

4. It is a research method that involves the collection of information from the Internet.

4.1. Online survey research is much more impactful than traditional media, considering the ease of access and cost savings that come with it.

5. 5 Online Research Methods and Techniques

5.1. Online focus group

5.2. Online interview

5.3. Online qualitative research

5.4. Online text analysis

5.5. Social network analysis