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Soils by Mind Map: Soils

1. Red and Yellow Soil

1.1. Develops on crystalline igneous rocks

1.2. Fund in the southern deccan plateau, western ghats, nirtheastern parts, parts of Odisha and Chattisgarh.

1.3. Appears red due to diffusion of iron in crysatalline and metamorphic rocks.

1.4. Looks yellow in hydrated form.

2. Laterite Soils

2.1. Develops in areas with high temperature and a very heavy rainfall

2.2. Found mainly in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil nadu and are suitabe for crops like cahew nut.

2.3. Humus Content of the soil is low.

3. Alluvial Soil

3.1. They are fertile soils

3.2. Found in the eastern coastal plains in the deltas of mahanadi, godavari, krishna and kaveri

3.3. Deposited By Ganga And Yamuna

3.4. Classified as old alluvial (bangar)and new alluvial(Khadar)

4. Black Soils

4.1. They are black in colour and are also known as Regur soils

4.2. Found in in the deccan trap

4.3. Made up of extremely fine and clayey material. So they are sticky when wet.

4.4. Are difficult to work on until they are tilled immeadiately after the first shower

5. Arid Soils

5.1. Range From Red to Brown in Colour and are sandy in texture and saline in nature.

5.2. Found in western India especialy in rajasthan and perts of Gujarat.

5.3. It becomes cultivable after proper irrigation.