Lunar New Year Festival

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Lunar New Year Festival by Mind Map: Lunar New Year Festival

1. How

1.1. important

1.2. traditionally

1.3. meaningful

1.4. bustling with noise

2. What

2.1. Activities

2.1.1. Decorate the house

2.1.2. The custom of building a tree

2.1.3. New Year's Eve

2.1.4. Broke ground

2.1.5. Lucky money and Tet wishes

2.1.6. Visit the grave

3. When and Where

3.1. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar until at least the third day.

3.2. everywhere in Vietnam

4. Why

4.1. Tet is the biggest festival in Vietnam

4.2. Is the New Year's celebration according to the lunar calendar of the peoples of the East Asian Cultural Region