Chapter 2 Culture in International Marketing

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Chapter 2 Culture in International Marketing by Mind Map: Chapter 2 Culture in International Marketing

1. Subjective Culture

1.1. non-material elements of a culture such as ideas, values, beliefs

2. Time Orientation

2.1. monochronic-time orientation

2.2. polychronic-time orientation

2.3. present-oriented

2.4. future-oriented cultures

2.5. past-oriented cultures

3. Global and Local Cultural Influences

3.1. Consumer Culture

3.1.1. Global consumer culture

3.1.2. Global brand

4. Culture and Behaviors

4.1. Cultural Imperatives

4.2. Cultural Electives

4.3. Cultural Exclusives

4.4. Subcultures and Countercultures

4.4.1. Subcultures

4.4.2. Countercultures

4.5. Subcultures and Counterculture

5. Origins of Culture

5.1. History

5.2. Geography

6. Culture and Values

6.1. strongly held concepts that are pervasive within a culture

7. Definitions of Culture

8. Material Culture

8.1. physical elements such as clothing, food, houses, tools and machines, works of art, buildings.

9. Three Cultures World

9.1. Cultures of honor

9.2. Cultures of achievement

9.3. Cultures of joy

10. Cultural Distance and Psychic Distance

10.1. cultural distance

10.2. psychic distance

11. Culture and Purchasing Behavior

11.1. Aesthetics

11.2. Religion

12. Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Culture

12.1. Ethics

12.2. Ethical relativism

12.3. Ethical absolutism

13. Applying Cultural Values to Marketing Activities

13.1. Value levels