Key Course Concepts
by Esther Tattershall
1. Authentic Product - Essential Elements
1.1. Needs Assessment
1.1.1. Why is this course/training necessary?
1.1.2. What need does it meet?
1.2. Audience Analysis
1.2.1. Who needs the information presented in this course/training?
1.2.2. Who is your audience?
1.2.3. How can your course/training support diverse learners and learners with adaptive needs?
1.3. Objectives/Competencies
1.3.1. What skills or competencies should learners perform after completing the course/training?
1.4. Activities and Assignments
1.4.1. How will learners achieve the stated skills and competencies listed in your goals?
1.4.2. What learning models work best with these activities?
1.5. Feedback Opportunities
1.5.1. How will learners track progress and know if they are meeting expectations?
1.6. Assessment
1.6.1. How will you assess learner performance in course/training components?
1.7. Course/Training Evaluation
1.7.1. How will you determine if your course/training achieved the stated goals and objectives?
1.8. Revision Process
1.8.1. How will you use evaluation data to revise the course/training going forward?
2. Virtuous Business Model
3. Heart of a Teacher
3.1. Why this course/training?
3.2. What is your goal for your project?
4. Week 3: How People Learn
4.1. What are the key skills or competencies learners will acquire in the course/training?
4.2. How will learners apply these skills or competencies in an authentic setting?
4.3. What are the best ways to provide learners a chance to acquire and practice these skills and competencies?
5. Week 4: Motivational Learning
5.1. Why are these skills and competencies relevant to the learner?
5.2. How will these skills and competencies help the learner?
5.3. How do these skills and competencies relate to a professional field of practice?
6. Week 5: Designing for Learning
6.1. How will learners demonstrate proficiency in practicing skills and competencies?
6.2. What types of assignments/assessments are best suited for acquiring and practicing these skills and competencies?
6.3. What tools and materials will leaners need in order to successfully complete assignments and assessments?
7. Week 6: Learning Modalities
7.1. What learning modalities are represented in your assignments/assessments?
7.2. Are multiple modalities represented in your course? If not, how can you revise?
7.3. Do these modalities support the practical application of course skills and competencies?
8. Week 7: Assessments
8.1. How will you track learner performance in the course/training?
8.2. How will learners assess their own performance in the course?
8.3. How often will the learner's work be assessed in the course?