Grammar Unit 1,2,3

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Grammar Unit 1,2,3 by Mind Map: Grammar Unit 1,2,3

1. Unit 3

1.1. To- infinitive

1.1.1. S+ be + adj+ to verb I want to eat bread I must wash dishes To dance was her interested Give me an ornament to polish The officer returned to help

2. Unit 1

2.1. Modal Verb

2.1.1. (+) S+ Modal verb

2.1.2. (-) S+ Modal verb+ not+V

2.1.3. (?) Modal verb+ S?

3. Unit 2

3.1. Linking verb: liên kết chủ ngữ với tính từ hoặc danh từ

3.1.1. Become: I become a fammous singer

3.1.2. Seem: It seem good

3.1.3. Get

3.1.4. look

3.1.5. smell

3.1.6. Recipe: S+ become/seem/ smell...+Adj/Noun

3.2. Cleft sentence: câu nhấn mạnh

3.2.1. It is/ It was+...that/whom/who+... I am going in the garden-> It is in the garden that i am doing I was born in 1990-> It was in 1990 that i was born