Charney, Empiricism is not a Four-Letter Word
by Sean McCarthy

1. Section 4: indeterminacy/power
1.1. critics impose ideal standards on science
1.2. rationality vs indeterminacy
2. Section 1
2.1. Idea/question
2.1.1. Implications of research methods
2.1.2. tension between "science" and "qualitative" research
2.1.3. cannot generalize about the ethos of the researcher based on their methods - the authority of the researcher
3. Section 2:
3.1. Negative view of science in composition
3.1.1. That science is "objective" - only works with ideas that can be proven
3.1.2. scientists eliminate "human element of research
4. Section 3
4.1. Science and injustice
4.1.1. common critiqueScience is serving those in power instrumentalism functionalism
4.1.2. Charney rebuttal this claim ignores history