Characters in Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four

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Characters in Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four by Mind Map: Characters in Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four

1. Dost Akbar

1.1. 32. ?

1.2. Sikh p.66

1.3. 33. ?

2. Abdullah Khan

2.1. Sikh, tall, strong, speaks English well p.66

3. Tonga

3.1. Killed Bartholomew Sholta p.60

3.2. Short, small feet

3.3. Native of the Andaman Islands

3.4. Shot by Holmes and Watson p.59

4. The Sholtos

4.1. Major Sholto

4.2. Thaddeus Sholto

4.2.1. 35. ?

4.3. Bartholomew Sholto

4.3.1. clever

5. The Morstans

5.1. Mary Morstan

5.1.1. 6 pearls

5.1.2. Young, small with fair hair, clothes showed good taste but not expensive, pleasant face, beautiful blue eyes, serious, intelligent, not rich p.2

5.2. Captain Morstan

5.2.1. 36. ?

6. Criminals

6.1. The Four p.66

6.1.1. Jonathan Small

6.2. Mahomet Singh

6.2.1. 34. ?

7. Sherlock Holmes

7.1. Highly intelligent p.1

8. Doctor Watson

9. The Police

9.1. Inspector Lestrade

9.2. 40?

10. Other characters

10.1. Achmet

10.1.1. 31. ?

10.2. Toby

10.2.1. 37. ?

10.3. Mordacai Smith

10.3.1. 38. ?

10.4. Wiggins

10.4.1. 39. ?