Part of Speech

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Part of Speech by Mind Map: Part of Speech

1. Pronoun

1.1. Replace With a noun

1.2. EX: She, I, He .....

1.3. He's smart boy...

2. Conjuctions

2.1. Joins Words OR ..

2.2. EX: And, But .....

2.3. She's sweet but super hyper...

3. Preposition

3.1. Links between noun

3.2. EX: To, At .....

3.3. I born on 10th of April in Abu Dhabi

4. Interjection

4.1. Short exclamation

4.2. EX: Oh!, Ouch! .....

4.3. Ouch! that's really hurt ...

5. Verb

5.1. Action

5.2. EX: Write - Read .....

5.3. Write your homework ..

6. Noun

6.1. Thing or person

6.2. EX: London- Teacher .....

6.3. I have a special teacher, she's so sweet ...

7. Adjective

7.1. Describe a noun

7.2. EX: Beautiful - Gorgeous .....

7.3. I'm a spectacular queen ...

8. Adverb

8.1. Describe a verb

8.2. EX: Quickly- well .....

8.3. She run quickly ..