Media Sectors
by Jason Burgess
1. Photo Imaging Industry In the Photo Imaging Industry there is a grand total of 43,100 people working in the sector today. 51% of 43,100 are based in south England which is the highest and lowest percentage of human population in the east of England. The Photo Imaging industry has a total of 8,700 companies, (68%) of companies are sole traders or freelance photographers based in England. A sole trader is a person is some one who owns their own business, which makes it there own choice to employ someone. Freelance can apply to a handyman, which means you work for yourself. The word freelance can also mean you have creative control over your work. 91% Photo Imaging companies are really small in which they employ a total of 5 people or less. There are 5 categories that can we divide the rest of the photo imaging industry into: -Image Producers (Including Laboratories) -Photo Retail -Picture Libraries & Agencies -Manufacturers -Support Services (e.g equipment hire and repair)
2. TV Industry There are 9 terrestrial broadcasters, theses include BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Five, S4C, SMG and UTV. These broadcasters transmit there programs not through satellite but through radio waves. These terrestrial broadcasters have obligations to follow, theses are to appeal to a mass audience of any class, age, religion, gender, ethnicity and location. For example on the BBC's Charter they say they must appeal to the public's preference.There are 300 cable and satellite broadcasting channels in the UK which are dominated by major international companies. Some of these include BSkyB, Virgin Media, Discovery, Disney and Viacom. These broadcasters are mainly by major independent companies, such as Disney and Viacom which are also two of the Big 7. These broadcasters make famous shows in the UK for example X Factor. There is a growing amount of community TV companies, which is making an increase interest in catering for these for theses companies. These channels must follow the 18 analogue restrictions which are now shown online. There are currently 850 independent production companies, these companies make the most popular shows such as X factor. The more bigger companies have a turnover of £100-£200m per year. The employment of these companies typically thousands of people in the course of the year.
2.1. The 5 challenges of the television industry are: -Piracy, this is when film is stolen and takes money away from the company who made it. Another challenge is the language of films and shows having to be changed, this means companies have to work faster because demand of films and shows being released. - The previous point is the same as the growth of the global broadband, because then we will have more access to it by phones, which means that the demands for these services is needed more, putting pressure on companies which supply them. - The more independent companies have to think about niche which means they have to expand and advertise more to the internet and public, like for example Netflix has no advertising and on demand which has a limited advertising during shows or while watching on the net to catch up. - The audiences are watching programmes rather than channels mean that channels need to try to broadcast shows on a TV channel the showcases shows that are similar in target audience and genre. I think this has room for channels to expand their channels into niche audiences so don't think its a bad idea however this can also make a channel lose viewers. - The shape of the TV industry is rapidly changing with an influx of mergers which means major companies are taking over from the independent smaller companies. I feel like these dominant companies are dramatically changing the market because it is hard for the smaller companies to make profit and put their ideas out there, also this means we see the same sorts of programs on television because its a business to generate the bigger audience, to gain more profit.
3. The Publishing Industry The publishing sector is made up of the following sectors: Books, Journals (including electronic journals), Newspapers, News agencies, Magazines and business media, Directories and mailing lists ,Other information services. It is an exciting time for the publishing sector because technology is changing, there are now more and more of ways to read books through virtual books which are by using types of technology such as Kindles and eBook. The sector consists of a majority of smaller companies where 88% of which have less than 10 employees whereas 3% have 200 or more employees with over half of all the employees working in the industry on their payroll. The publishing sector is mainly located in London and the South East. The East of England is next, followed by the South West, Scotland and the North West. In Wales and Northern Ireland the sector is predominately made up of small publishers and news media.
4. Film Industry The UK's film industry is a progressive creative media sector and the UK film industry is split up into six components which are: Development, Production, Facilities, Distribution, Exhibition and Export. These companies are set up for one cause of the film in how its going to be created and some sectors of the six will have to think about the niche of the product and what they can do to help the movie. There are currently 400 people working in the film industry these figures are depending on number of productions being worked on at any one time in these sectors. Of the companies existing today,there are we 43% which work in production, 13% which are in distribution and there is a remaining 44% which work in exhibition. Production: Films such as Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia are 2 of many films which were created in the UK. Distribution: This is where the product is launched for retail and can be sold to the public. Exhibition: Films are usually released in the cinema which is the cinematic release of a film which is exhibited around the EU and its reputation, over half the revenues of the industry in the UK come from DVD retail and rental from companies.
5. The Advertising Industry The two main drivers of the advertising sector is the client and the clients advertising needs for a product. The advertising industry works in many platforms such as broadcast, print, billboard and online. These are significant platforms because broadcast is advertising to a large audience , as the the target audience is broad. Print, billboard and online are all methods of reaching the audience as people go online, go past billboards and read newspaper and magazines etc. The advertising sector is a It is It is a sector which leads the way with cross-platform innovation as campaigns cross boundaries between TV, radio, print, billboard and interactive media. In advertising, there are 13,000 businesses and make £6.2 billion of the UK GVA annually. 70% of the industry works in London alone, this is because London's high population will make the advertising more effective and also because there are many businesses which start in London. The industry is a fairly young industry as 47% are under 34 years old. There is a strong percentage of the woman workforce at 46% which makes the industry equal in terms of gender equality. However, there is only a very small percentage who are either black, asian or other ethnic minorities at 6%. The advertising sector is important to the broadcast and print industries as advertising funds 75% of commercial television, 95% of national press, 80% of magazines, and 95% of commercial radio. Without any advertising, the revenue quality and quantity of programming would suffer. There are 5 main departments in the advertising sector: Account Services - who work with the clients to maintain a working relationship. Creatives - who create the ideas for a campaign. This may be for one platform or across multiple platforms. Production - this is the team which moves the ideas from the creative concept into reality. Some the larger advertisers may use these services in house, but the majority of agencies will need to have good contacts with production companies and facilities houses. Media - the media planners liase with the different elements of the media that advertising crosses. This is the department which organises where the campaign will be shown to create the maximum effect. Other Services - these may include researchers, interns and a traffic department which looks at the flow of the agencies work. A few examples of an advertising agency is Happy-Giraffe, Spongecell and Ad roll. These are all their own small independent companies.
6. The interactive media industry is described as fluid because of how it overlaps and blurred distinctions with other sectors. Convergence gathers place - the boundaries between interactive media and other forms of digital media become yet more blurred this takes look to multi-platformed, ‘360 degree' commissioning models. The interactive media contributes to very large number of markets, the biggest area is e-commerce and online advertising. Annually the UK's Interactive media industry makes several billion pounds which helps to support a large economy. It is very difficult to define the sector, this is because of how fast it changes but also because there are so many companies and individual people who fit accurately with other sectors.
6.1. The 3 main stages within the development of games are: 1:begins with market research and development in national and international operations. 2:Teams of people then work to produce design documents from which all the elements that make up the final game are drawn and which sets down all possible paths the games can take players and any of the mechanics of actual gameplay that are relevant. If the game has story or narrative elements scripting and storyboarding also takes place. 3: Working from this design document the technical aspects of the game are decided and the game code, animation, graphics audio production and special effects follow. The application of the technical expertise then turns the creative products into paths for gamers to enjoy. Teams work on the projects in a system of production much like producing a movie. This then has similar risks to the film industry, this is such things as privacy, games not catching attention, or the investors losing money. Although the game could be successful globally. Such as these days games like Call Of Duty and Battlefield are two examples of very popular games and are popular worldwide. These two games have dramatically affected the industry as they have brought on new ways of gaming and has shown the importance of the industry as it brings huge profits with other companies etc. games development and games publishing. Design, programming, art and animation are the work of development studios, but games reach the consumer via the publishing companies. First Party Publishers. Games can also be published onto PCs which have no formal licensing and so this is a popular option for smaller companies or start ups. Two major developments that have impacted on Gaming recently. The first is the Internet, and the emergence of online multi-player gaming. Gamers can now access the Internet through PCs and through portals such as Xbox Live, and play against one another, or even collaborate in team games. Many of the most popular titles now have an online component allowing players to test themselves against fellow players around the world.
7. Music Industry The music industry includes many companies and individuals that make money by producing and distributing music. Among the many individuals and organisations that operate within the industry are: the musicians who compose and perform the music; the companies and professionals who create and sell recorded music (e.g., music publishers, producers, recording studios, engineers, record labels, retail and online music stores, performance rights organizations); those that present live music performances (booking agents, promoters, music venues, road crew); professionals who assist musicians with their music careers (talent managers, business managers, entertainment lawyers); those who broadcast music (satellite, internet and broadcast radio); journalists; educators; musical instrument manufacturers; as well as many others. These companies varie in the genre of music that they are in. The 3 major labels in the music industry are these corporate labels: Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group. The live music arrangements and promotions are mostly controlled by LiveNation which is the largest promoter and music venue owned.