Recruitment in the IT industry

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Recruitment in the IT industry by Mind Map: Recruitment in the IT industry

1. Probation

2. Employer's expectations

3. Employee's expectations

3.1. No death marches

3.2. Enough time to complete work

3.3. Managers who respect technical opinion

3.4. Freedom to use the right technology rather than the preferred technology

3.4.1. "we don't do open source because there's no-one to sue"

3.4.2. We have to use a certain vendor's products

3.4.3. Use TFS for everything But need to understand the tools you are using Whether it's one system or a suite of systems Train people up And document the problems, and installations

3.5. Enough technical knowledge in the team

3.5.1. Enough testers

3.5.2. Enough infrastructure

3.6. Make sure decisions and requirements are documented to ensure projects don't fail

3.6.1. Does everyone know what's happening?

3.7. Not working on projects that get cancelled

3.7.1. 7 months work down the drain

3.7.2. Poor planning

3.8. High management competence and high technical competence

3.9. Things should be managed

3.9.1. Higher level decisions Customer view Looking across all the customers Focus groups Support feedback Is one customer pressuring the team? Stop writing features that no-one wants Contrary to public opinion, techies do like talking to users Business planning view Technical view All are important

3.9.2. Listen to technical staff, and act on feedback

4. Benefits

4.1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

5. Career path

5.1. Do you have to be a manager?

6. Portfolios

6.1. Interviewers will check GitHub etc. if you're on there

6.1.1. Commits are a good way to see someone's code

6.1.2. Games industry relies on it

6.2. Only sites/projects that enhance your CV

6.3. Final year project

6.3.1. App store submission

6.4. Talks and blogs may help too

6.5. StackOverflow reputation

6.6. Anything to demonstrate knowledge and passion

6.7. Prove you can deliver

6.7.1. "Good developers ship"

7. Would you look at twitter/facebook/linkedin?

7.1. Generally not unless it was on CV

7.2. But remember you may be judged on anything you post publically

7.3. Recruitment Agencies will

7.4. Is it suspicious not to have one?

7.4.1. If you don't have one, that's fine

7.4.2. More suspicious to have a dummy one

7.4.3. Magnet for recruitment spam

7.4.4. But it might help you if you do

8. The role of schools and universities

9. The role of businesses

10. Recruitment Agencies

11. Interviews

11.1. It's less about technical knowledge and more about how well a person will fit in your team

11.1.1. You don't want a liability on your team

11.1.2. Make sure you're consistent

11.1.3. How long do you tend to last in a job? More than a year Less than a year Can cast doubts on your career path But some areas suffer high burnout and turnover And contractors might have shorter contracts

11.2. Do you have programming tests, to prove technical knowledge (or the right way of thinking)

11.2.1. An hour of paired programming as part of interview

11.2.2. Does your ego get in the way?

11.2.3. Games industry is very heavy on technical tests

11.2.4. FIzzBuzz screening See Scott Hanselman/Joel Spolsky Can the candidate think like a programmer? Or show them a version with a bug and see if they spot it Frustrating if someone has a good CV but can't handle a FizzBuzz

11.2.5. Military idea - you know everyone's done the same test, and knows their chops

11.2.6. Using Google to find method docs is OK, but not to find solutions simulate the day job

11.2.7. Even without programming tests, talk about data structures and algorithms How does the candidate solve problems? Will they bullshit or admit they don't know? "Could you tell me more" is better than a shrug Or "it sounds similar to x in Java, let me tell you my thinking..." You will find plenty you don't know in the job

11.3. Interview prep

11.3.1. Make sure you're rested

11.3.2. Practice your craft

11.3.3. Specific questions on programming languages but you aren't supposed to know everything

11.3.4. Don't be boring be ready to stop talking don't shout!

11.3.5. Answer the question you are asked

11.3.6. Don't whinge about your old job but it's OK to be honest about why you're leaving there will probably be positive reason why the new job is better I want more training I'm bored and want to learn more

11.4. Awkward questions

11.4.1. Is it becuase the candidate is unprepared?

11.4.2. Is it because the interviewer is unprepared?

11.4.3. Is the CV accurate? Has the recruitment agent changed your CV?

11.5. Show you know the area

11.5.1. What blogs to you read?

11.5.2. What technologies have you learned?

11.6. Also about the candidate choosing the right employer

11.6.1. So it's OK to ask the employer hard questions too

11.6.2. Keep a personal barrier on a first meeting

11.6.3. Good to have questions to ask about the employer to demonstrate interest if nothing else If they've answered your questions, let them know

12. Do you need to be an IT graduate?

12.1. Many blue chips and public sector don't think so

13. CV

13.1. Get your information across quickly

13.2. Does it tell employers about your interests, and how you stand out

13.2.1. And refine your interests Do open source development Do programming challenges Present at events

13.2.2. Final year projects, make your potential employer interested enough to interview

13.3. Summary showing the stand-out points at the top

13.4. Do fancy CVs work?

13.4.1. Might turn some off

13.4.2. Agencies will strip off the fancy stuff

13.4.3. Don't use default fonts etc to make it subtly stand out

13.4.4. But try to have something eye catching Recruiters look at a lot of CVs Sometimes hits the bin on the first line Need to weed out people quickly to avoid wasted interview time But if you say "I have a good attention to detail", be consistent

13.5. Make sure CV and covering letter are tailored to the job you're applying for

13.5.1. Frame your summary to highlight what matters for *this* job

13.5.2. Use the right keywords for pre-screening C# and .Net aren't equivalent to agencies

13.5.3. Demonstrate your passion

13.5.4. Be aware of the corporate culture A C#-expert for Google is someone on the language committee

13.6. Is it worth putting non-technical jobs?

13.6.1. For graduates, yes, to demonstrate that you can hold a job and take responsibility

13.6.2. Does it show you're passionate about something? If you've been in a band, it shows you can work in a team

14. Probation

14.1. Not everyone passes

14.1.1. Mostly failures in the interview process, on either side

14.2. Sometimes the new employee leaves

14.3. Sometimes the probation is the only way to find out if the candidate and company fit together

15. References

15.1. Only usually checked after preferred candidate is chosen

15.2. Check that CV is accurate

15.3. He works/worked here on those dates, this was job title, and we can confirm that salary