1. Technology Related Initiatives
1.1. SuccessMaker
1.1.1. Stakeholders: - Teachers - Interventionists - Students - Parents - School and District Administrators Challenges: - Glitches in the platform - Students not enjoying the platform Benefits: - Individualized Instruction - Differentiated Instruction - Additional Data Source
1.2. WVEIS 2.0
1.2.1. Stakeholders: - Teachers - School Staff - School, District, and State Administrators Challenges: - No training for teachers and staff - Still being established at the start of school year Benefits: - Updated system for record tracking
1.3. One-to-One Devices
1.3.1. Stakeholders: - K-12 Students - School Staff - Parents - State and County Administrators Challenges: - Disparities for students experiencing homelessness, no electricity, no access to home WiFi - Keeping the iPads charged - Added distraction Benefits: - Increases digital literacy for students - Easier access to internet and technology - Increased ability for integrating technology in teaching and learning
2. Evolution of Technology in Education
2.1. Rise of Industrial Revolution (prior to 19th century) - School attendance was not mandatory. Children learned skills that their parents deemed important. Unless the early 19th century when new technologies in manufacturing made the need for skilled labor less prominent. This changed the system of education.
2.1.1. Rise in Classroom Computers (1995-2008) - The number of instructional computers in public school buildings more than doubled on average New Teaching Approaches (early 2000s) Flipped Classroom- A new form of delivering instruction in which lectures are delivered online at night and students apply the content the next day in the classroom. New Literacies - This new form of education entails the ability to acquire new skills and adapt to the changing communication and information technologies.
3. Important Terms
3.1. Technology - electronic, digital, or multimedia tools used to achieve a goal more efficiently or effectively (p.8)
3.1.1. Education Technology - the use of technology tools in the classroom to IMPROVE learning (p.8)
4. The Research
4.1. Instruction assisted by computers likely results in 12 percentile point gain in achievement when used as a REPLACEMENT to teacher instruction
4.1.1. Instruction assisted by computers likely results in 17 percentile point gain when used as a SUPPLEMENT to teacher instruction
4.2. Computers
4.2.1. Computer- Assisted Instruction (CAI) - show small to moderate gains in achievement 3 things impact these gains: 1 - teaching practices 2 - fidelity of teacher technology use and implementation 3 - student collaboration with technology
4.2.2. One-to-One Laptop Instruction - Can be challenging/expensive to implement Can result in students developing greater technical proficiency Educators must be trained in usage
4.3. Internet
4.3.1. Distance Learning - Students attend classes virtually, not in person Debate of efficacy of distant learning continues
4.3.2. Blended Learning - Combination of face-to-face and online learning Studies indicate that using a combination of technology and other effective instruction strategies provides the most benefits
4.4. Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs)
4.4.1. Likely to lead to gains in student achievement Increase student engagement, improve student retention, and enhance teacher planning/organization
4.5. Mobile Devices
4.5.1. Smartphones - may have negative effects on student reasoning abilities and comprehension
4.5.2. Student response systems - useful for formative assessments and increase student engagement
5. Perspectives on Educational Technology
5.1. Value-Positive Lens - technology has the ability to constructively transform education
5.1.1. Book Perspective - technology usage will produce slightly positive effects on student learning and more effective when combine with effective strategies