Internet Usage SkillsSkills

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Internet Usage SkillsSkills by Mind Map: Internet Usage SkillsSkills

1. usage of interactive tools

2. explore and get correct information

3. Research and investigating skills

4. Authenticate the source

5. Can improve academic skill if used responsibly. Finding appropriate material

6. right information

7. Brousing skills

8. games

9. AwarenessAwarenessAwareness

10. investigate skill

11. downloading files

12. can be used for academic purpose

13. Assessing Information

14. Knowledge, downloadingydownloadingyj

15. Searching Information

16. Look for useful resorces

17. fFind the right resources

18. Locate eeb addes

19. gUsinUsiSiUgUsinUsingUgUsinUsiSiUgUsinUsinct

20. Navigating skills

21. enhance ict skill

22. right resources and the browser

23. Locate web address