Kinds of Quantitative Research

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Kinds of Quantitative Research by Mind Map: Kinds of Quantitative Research

1. Non - Experimental Research

1.1. Descriptive Study

1.1.1. Describes

1.1.2. Observes

1.2. Correlational Study

1.2.1. Types of Correlational Study Positive Correlation Negative Correlation No Correlation

1.2.2. Investigates

1.2.3. Measures

2. Experimental Research

2.1. True - Experimental Study

2.1.1. Randomly formed groups

2.1.2. Manipulation of Treatment

2.1.3. Comparisons among groups

2.2. Quasi - Experimental Study

2.2.1. Absence of random assignment

2.2.2. The independent variable isn't manipulated

2.2.3. The effects of the variables on one another are measured.

2.3. Pre - Experimental Study

2.3.1. Uses only one group

2.3.2. Validates the experiment

2.3.3. No randomization of the participants