1. What I thought it was before this module
1.1. Laptops
1.2. Phones
1.3. Televisions
1.4. Tablets
1.5. Headphones
2. Why is technology important and why do we need it?
2.1. Technology helps with most of the new challanges that we face everyday all arond the world
2.1.1. "we are still inventing, and this is what technology is allowing us to do; it's continually to reinvent ourselves" (Kelly, 2010).
2.2. Technology allows our sientists and medical professionals to contstantly advance life changing procedures
2.2.1. "DDT sprayed on local homes, theres nothing better to eliminate malaria, besides insect DDT-impregnant mosquito nets. But thats a really good idea; thats a good job for technology."(Kelly, 2010).
3. How have my views changed
3.1. Technology can be used to better our lives even in the workplace
3.1.1. There is a company that is starting to use security cameras to monitor the fatigue levels of their employees to know if an employee need is fatigued or under the infuence of anything (SentriForce, 2021).
3.2. My views have changed to include that fact that technology is more than a smart phone, it is found in everything and is advancing everyday all around the world
3.2.1. "Technology represents the combination of human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated since ancient times to make things that fulfil our needs and desires or that perform certain functions."(Karatsu, 1990)
4. What I think now
4.1. According to Kevin Kelly, "Technology is
4.1.1. Allows the production of vaccines in just a few years versus 100 years ago when it would take decades sometimes