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PM Process by Mind Map: PM Process

1. 2.1 Prerequisites

1.1. Knowledge of the organization’s mission and strategic goals

1.2. Knowledge of the job in question

2. 2.2 Performance Planning

2.1. Results

2.2. Behaviors

2.3. Development Plan

3. 2.3 Performance Excution

3.1. Employee Responsibilities

3.1.1. Commitment to goal achievement

3.1.2. Ongoing performance feedback and coaching

3.1.3. Communication with supervisor

3.1.4. Collecting and sharing performance data

3.1.5. Preparing for performance reviews

3.2. Supervisor Responsibilities

3.2.1. Observation and documentation

3.2.2. Updates

3.2.3. Feedback

3.2.4. Resources

3.2.5. Reinforcement

4. 2.6 Performance Renewal and Recontracting

4.1. Receive insights and information from review stage

4.2. Give identical to planning stage

5. 2.4 Performance Assessment

5.1. Manager assessment

5.2. Self-assessment

5.3. Other source ( customers , peers , ..)

6. 2.5 Performance Review

6.1. Past : Behaviors and results

6.2. Present : Compensation to be received

6.3. Future : New goals and development plans