ACE University Impact Report

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ACE University Impact Report by Mind Map: ACE University Impact Report

1. Workers

1.1. ACE retreat

1.1.1. Opportunity for staff to get to know each other better while serving the community

1.2. Benefits

1.2.1. a 401(k) match, tuition reimbursement, paid time off

1.3. Diversity and Inclusion.

2. Customers

2.1. 55 affordable and accredited programs offered

2.1.1. 2020 brought two new programs to the platform with more being developed for upcoming years. Micro credentials in business, education, and nursing.

2.2. Online platform.

3. Governance

3.1. No physical campus.

3.2. Togetherness

3.2.1. Customer Centered

4. Environment

4.1. Cool Schools program

4.1.1. Developed as an annual program to plant trees at schools in Texas to combat the fierce temperatures . Is also used as an educational tool to teach students how to car for trees and the environment.

5. Community

5.1. ACE Day of Service

5.2. 16 Civic Hours provided in employee contract

5.2.1. These are choice volunteer hours so the programs and communities that are impacted have a wide range based on the employees interest.

5.3. Partnership with Teacher's Treasures

5.4. St. Jude's Research Center