Computer hardware and software

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Computer hardware and software by Mind Map: Computer hardware and software

1. Hardware

1.1. Input

1.1.1. Input refers to the parts used to send information to a computer.

1.1.2. Storage Storage refers to the parts that the computer uses to store information, including hard drives. Processing The processing parts of the computer run programs, interpret input, and supply output. Output

2. Software

2.1. Web Developer

2.1.1. A GPU is designed to quickly render high-resolution images and video concurrently. Mobile developer is a programmer who writes application software for mobile devices like phones and tablets.

3. Hardware + Software = result

3.1. HARDWARE SOFTWARE FINAL RESULT PHONE TO TAKE SELFIES CAMERA PHOTO APP Camera + Photo app = Phone to take selfies Keyboard + printer + word processing program = Printed party invitation Car + Camera + Sensor + Street navigation program = Self driving car