Lady Eve Balfour & Co. The Haughley Experiment

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Lady Eve Balfour & Co. The Haughley Experiment by Mind Map: Lady Eve Balfour & Co. The Haughley Experiment

1. Environmental

1.1. Public Education on Nutrition

1.2. “Instead of the Contemporary Obsession With Disease and Its Causes, They Set Out to Disc“Instead of the Contemporary over the Causes of Health”

1.3. The UK’s Largest Organic Certification Body

1.4. Began the First Scientific Side-by-Side Comparison of Organic and Chemical Farming Ever Undertaken

1.5. Developed Some of the World's First Organic Standards

2. Social

2.1. Lady Eve Was Called a "Crank"

2.2. Campaigning for Change

2.3. Involved in Britain’s Anti-Tithe Agricultural Rebellion

2.4. Was Involved in the Early Days of the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM)

2.5. Charity

3. Economics

3.1. Nutrient Unbalance In the Crops Creates a Risk of Nutrient Unbalance In the Animals and Humans Feeding Upon It

3.2. Work Towards a Sustainable Agriculture

3.3. Biological Husbandry

3.4. Permanence

3.5. Levels of available minerals in the soil fluctuate according to the season, maximum levels coinciding with the time of maximum plant demand and these fluctuations were significantly greater in the organic plots

3.6. Vegetative mineral levels remained as high or higher in the organic plots even without receiving the mineral inputs that the conventional plots had

3.7. Organic fed animals required from 12-15% less input of food, were healthier, and lived longer than their conventional counterparts