Healthy Lifestyle

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Healthy Lifestyle by Mind Map: Healthy Lifestyle

1. Stay away from alcohol and no smoking

1.1. Stay sober

1.2. Keep cancer away

1.3. Say no to yellow teeth,lung cancer, heart disease, vision problems and weakened immune system

1.4. Keep you lungs from turning black

2. Sleep

2.1. Have enough energy for the day

3. Stay hydrated

3.1. Keep you cool, sometimes even give you energy to do sports

4. Avoid negativity within yourself

4.1. Be happy

4.2. Keep your feelings under control

5. Sport

5.1. Strong

5.2. Grow tall

6. Eat accordingly to the food pyramid

6.1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

6.2. Food

6.2.1. Energy

6.2.2. Exercise

6.3. Healthy meals a day keeps all doctors away

7. Cut down on fried food, salty food, sugary food, oily food and other unhealthy food

7.1. avoid getting acnes when you step into puberty